The Fire Wytche

Chapter 5

I waited at the entrance to the cave until everyone had left then started up a trail towards the top of the mountain to meet Araidea; as I climbed the path became wilder and more overgrown . A fog rolled in but I kept walking. After several minutes I cleared the fog bank and stepped out into a landscape that was greener and more beautiful than anything I’d ever seen. There were huge strange looking plants everywhere that bore flowers and fruits in every color and hue imaginable, one stood out from the rest – it held red and black goblet shaped blooms with purple leaves that were large enough to take shelter under. Araidea waited there. “Am I to assume everything went well and that the men managed to set the powders without any problems Wytche?” “Yes. They have left to collect food and supplies to return and wait for the pressure to build enough to guarantee it will flow out the opening before they set it off as you instructed. What do we do next Mother?” “If by we you mean the villagers, nothing. Their participation will not be needed until everything is finished. Your part though is just beginning. You will soon understand everything.” We went for a walk and she helped me gather seedpods that were as large and soft as pillows from one plant and petals from another to use as blankets. These we piled up under the plant she’d been standing beneath for a bed and went to gather food. While we gathered what I would need she explained everything, then she snapped her fingers and started a small fire before disappearing. I ate some of the fruits we’d picked and then cut one of the cup shaped blossoms from the vine Araidea had called ‘Hecate’s Goblet’. I squeezed the juice from some greenish fruit into it and drank. Then I lay down and waited. Thunder rolls on the mountain and wakes me. Lightning strikes next to the bush I sleep under. “It’s time Fire Wytche” says a woman stepping out of smoke; she is followed by others. There is more thunder and lightning and the rain still comes down in sheets. This has been steady for days, combined with shakings and rumblings from beneath the ground. The rain seems to have stopped everything except the volcano’s accelerating awakening. The powders the men were to set ablaze are wet or washed away and the trail to the cave is blocked by a landslide making it impossible to carry out the plans that were put into place before I left. The people in the valley below can do nothing but pray and wait for the volcano to decide what it’s going to do or leave their homes – they won’t leave. It is left to the other Wytches and me to prevent mass deaths. I stand on the shelf in front of the cave entrance as the rain falls around me but not on me and gaze at the villages far below while I wait for the others to reach the places the Goddess chose for them. Landslides, washouts and Majick have deepened the path the lava will follow and everything is ready. When the rain stops for a short time a deep fog comes in quickly but just for a minute there is a clear view from the villages to the cave. A flame rises around me as I step inside. It has been five months since the fire spewed from the Dragon’s Mouth. The rumblings have finally stopped and the river of liquid rock is cooling. Things are slowly returning to normal in the village. Before the others returned to where they had been called from we caused several openings to appear in the sheer cliffs on the other side of the mountain as escape valves in the event pressure begins building up again. Araidea and I walked the cliffs together one last time then start down the mountainside. “Hopefully you will not have need of me again anytime soon Fire Wytche, may your life be fruitful and end quietly,” she said disappearing. I look at the markings that are slowly fading from my body until only the one at my temple remains before leaving the clearing where we had first met. I entered the village knowing everything is good. I’m home. “Are you ready My Love?” My husband of thirty years lifts my frail body into his arms and carries me to the small wagon that waits outside our door. Only Blaize and her husband Charro are still here; the others have already said their goodbyes and been sent away. Flint gently lays me down on the blankets and Blaize climbs up beside me, the men ride up front behind the horse. It is time for my final meeting with Araidea. By the time we reach the high mountain pass the fog has closed in below us. We stop in front of the cave and Blaize helps me out as the men walk towards us. “NO!’ Don’t come any closer” I said holding up my hand. “The transfer has begun and neither one of you could bare the concentration of power, the Goddess has granted you both the honor of witnessing the transfer but you may not go any farther then the entrance to the cave. We must go the remainder of the way alone.” “Don’t worry, Father I will take care of her, and you my husband, be strong. At least you have had a chance to prepare for this.” Blaize said looking at her Father with a sad smile. Joining hands we walk slowly up to the cave entrance as the flames rise around us. The Goddess waits there; together we move into the interior while the men wait and watch from the entrance. When the transfer of power is completed I send Blaize back outside to her husband and ask her to send Flint in. I will not leave this cave again and I need to say Goodbye.