The last few weeks i have been busy and other then the things i write  or share and comment on for this and my 5 other sites i really haven't don much writing but as i was clearing some files this weekend i came across some snippets and poems and things that had not been given a home so for the time being i will park them here. i hope you enjoy them.


We hold these truths [or should] to be self-evident

that all living creations are created equal

2 legged or 4 legged

Regardless if we walk, crawl, or slither, upon the Earth

Whether we fly, swim, or live in forgotten glens and hollows

That we are bequeathed by The All Mother to the same rights as MAN

The right to Freedom, to respect

and to raise our young in safety and security

That we are entitled to a secure homeland and habitat

And an adequate food and water supply

So It Is

and So It Be.

We Are Kindred Spirits

Goddess I thank you
For the quiet peace at the end of the day;
For your shroud of ebony beauty
That hides the tears
I sometimes shed
I whisper a prayer of gratitude
For the soft pale smile of your face.
You have looked down on my sisters and I
Since before the beginnings
And will continue to do so for eons to come.
You have hidden us in your
Diamond sprinkled cloak
From those who do not understand
And have protected us so we may honor
You as we have been taught
My body grows weary as I sit quietly
In your presence
And my spirit rises until it is freed
It soars and I am free
I rise and walk in your glorious shadow

Never Alone

Never Alone

Even though you’re not here,
I still look to you for advice
For companionship
and for comfort when I feel alone.
I still turn over in the dark of night
and reach for you, my heart
and for just a moment

you’re there.
It seems like only yesterday
we walked the wooded paths
of the countryside
together hand in hand.
You were my rock then
I blinked my eyes
on that Easter Sunday morning
and you were gone
My life was empty;
I wanted to Give Up
But I heard you say
“I’m here, My Love
I know you’re strong; you’ll carry on
until you’ve finished the work we started”
You took my hand
On that first long night
While I cried myself to sleep
You caressed my cheek
and I heard you say
“I’m still here and here I’ll stay
Until I’m no longer needed.”
Many years have passed since you crossed over
and yes I’m carrying on
because I know in my heart
You’ll always be here

when ever I call
I am truly

I write because I can not act.

Just write i don't know; pick a dream, a story your grandparents told you, something you care about and then just start writing thoughts it doesn't matter what you can always go back and fill them in later just write for you like no one's ever going to see it and when you like what you have copy and paste and post it somewhere before you can talk yourself out of it

All Passed and Gone

Where have all your Creatures gone
Oh Great Mother
Four leggeds, Swimmers and our Feathered Brothers
All passed and gone – All passed and gone


In the beginnings of time
When the first creatures slithered
out of The Primordial ooze
They had to learn to adapt or die
Some chose to live in the sky and trees
Some to run the lands on all four
Some chose to swim in the planets waters
and some to live in the core
Some chose to feed in the daylight
and some chose to roam at night
and one species soon became dominant over the rest

When the Killing Cold came
You offered to warm the blood of the mighty ones
and give them skins of warm fur and feathers to wear
and to shelter them deep within your body
most of the proud Reptilians refused
Climate Change, Famine, Predation and Disease
soon took their toll
and the Age of The Dinosaur ended

When the long cold passed
the creatures returned
The ones who had chosen to adapt
Some chose to live in the sky and trees
Some to run the lands on all four
Some chose to swim in the planets waters
and some to live in the core
Some chose to feed in the daylight
and some chose to roam at night
and one species soon became dominant over the rest

Throughout the ages
populations increased and other species evolved
and they had to adapt or die
Overpopulation, Famine, Predation and Disease
soon took their toll again
and species came and went
One creature chose to stand upright
And soon became the dominant over the rest
Man learned his lesson better then most
and quickly took control
Overpopulation, Famine, Greed and Disease
soon took their toll
but man has adapted well
We cleared the land for our homes and crops
subduing the other speciesfor our needs and pleasures
Our increased intelligence has taken its toll
and soon we decide we own the world
And we having dominated every other species
now turn to destroying each other

Time passes we continue to change
Until the human is no longer humane
Our machines and technologies and love of power
Are the Gods of this new age
and will soon take their toll again


Where have all your Creatures gone
Oh Great Mother
Four leggeds, Swimmers and our Feathered Brothers
All passed and gone – All passed and gone