This article is also from a previous post on gipsiewonderer over at word press but it was important enough to me to save it to my desktop so it's important enough for me to re post it here.

One Candle - A Billion Prayers

a prayer for World Peace by Heide Bruder

I have on my permanent altar a large stone of lava rock that is carved out in the center to a depth of about two inches. It is in-layed with a candle holder and river stone and I keep water in it. This is where I burn my candles – especially those I use in a ritual where the flame is supposed to go out on its own and this is where my PEACE, LOVE, and HARMONY candle has now found its home. I should add this alter is set up inside a closet that I have replaced the door to with a storm door and screen so there is no danger of a kitten getting burned or starting a fire but maybe I should explain to you why I am telling you all this before I go any further. This comment was posted by me to my Facebook page earlier today;

“I have a new candle on my altar. The flame of this candle will never be extinguished - it burns as a prayer to The God and Goddess for a world where PEACE, LOVE, and HARMONY shall reign and where all living creatures shall live as one. I am begging everyone to take this flame and light your own candles to pass around THE WORLD. Let us also send this flame to those in power in our governments - remember one small flame can light a thousand and together we can set a bonfire under their a****s.”

Light A Candle by Shelley Martin

One Song for World Peace by Mitchell Jay

As an Empath I have always felt the pain of those around me and when I was younger I spent a great deal of time trying to shield myself from it and at the same time work to change it but several years back a friend gave me a book by an author I’d never heard of. Her name is Mary Summer Rain and I devoured everything by her I could get my hands on. Her writings are what started me on my ‘Path to Enlightenment’ and each time I read her ‘No Eyes Series’ or her poetry and other books my soul seems to expand a little more (that however is a subject for another time and another post.)

I went on to other writers and teachers seeking knowledge where ever I could find it recently I began hearing about ‘The Shift’ and ‘Harmonic Convergence’ and about people ‘Waking Up to Their True Selves’ and I began praying that The Goddess would show me what this all meant. I soon received an answer;

“Light a candle” the message came clearly in my head but I had no clue what it meant. The next day I was reading about another atrocity on the internet and again the message came “Light a candle”. Thinking it meant light a candle and send a prayer to the heavens for these latest victims of hate and greed I stopped what I was doing and went to my altar but the message persisted. Last week during the Full moon I decided to do a ritual to gain some insight into these questions that had been plaguing me and for some reason chose to set up an altar on my bedside table. I turned out the lights in the room and lit my candles; as I was lighting them I heard a voice say “Turn around and look in the mirrors.” The light from the flames of my candles reflected off every shining surface in the darkened room and their reflection s made it look like thousands of candles –I had my answer.

in my body – when I am actually somewhere I cannot have an open flame I shall use an LED candle and every time I look at it I will breathe a prayer and an affirmation of PEACE, LOVE, AND HARMONY for THE WORLD.