This is the webpage of Crowing Crone Joss at least that's the only name I know her by. I clicked one of those "Would you like to be kept updated" things quite a few years back and I have been receiving posts from her every since: and the strange thing is they usually seem to arrive just when I need them. Then a month or so ago when I joined Wordpress there she was. Now I can read everything she writes.

Crowing Crone Joss

Sunday Stillness October 5th

pont de Tancarville, Normandiepont de Tancarville, Normandie

While waiting for the fog to lift, look in another direction for a while. Life might surprise you with something that is just waiting for you to notice.

spider web


A number of people have commented about the negative image that the word “crone” brings to mind. First I want to say that I love being a Crone. Second, I chose the name intuitively and very deliberately. Long ago, when women held a place of honour in society, women of a certain age were referred to as crones. Back then, Crone meant “wise woman” and it was known that women who had lived a number of decades had seen and lived through enough turmoil, joy, pain and grace, that they had words of wisdom and insight to offer the community. Then, came the dark times when women were burnt at the stake for being witches: women of intuition, of healing powers, of ability to see beyond what we can touch. As part of the concentrated effort to remove women from their feminine power, crone was appropriated by the evolving patriarchal society and became an image of an old ugly hag. Today, around the globe, women are reclaiming who they are as feminine messengers of power and truth, of wisdom and grace. I love being a woman and being alive, here, now, at this time. I am proud to be a Crone and yes I do crow about it. Walk in Beauty, Crowing Crone Joss

mushrooms 2014

Looking Where I Step

I see your face
in every bloom
and hear your breath
when the bee
passes me by
your footprints
highlight mine
on the forest trail
and your love
beams through the
leaves like sunshine
on the open sea

You are ever present
May I always
walk in beauty

a post from crowing crone joss on word press today. i'm so happy for her - and jealous.

This is something I wrote eight years ago now and which, for many years, was posted on the bulletin board above my desk. A reminder of the sacredness of life.

Normandy Sunrise November 2013Normandy Sunrise November 2013


Today is a new day in
which to be surrounded by

the mystery of God,
strengthened by the love and
support of my circle and guides.

A day to explore the gifts I’ve been
given and fulfill the charge
of nurturing the woman I am.

The loveliness I see in the
mirror is but a reflection of
the beauty I hold within.
A beauty born of grace,
upheld by strength of heart,
entrusted to me by
the Creator and a reflection
of all that I am and all I
can offer my world.

Today is a new day
May I live it in peace
and compassion towards all

And then……….and then…….UPS rang the doorbell

book 002

So, I gotta tell you “I just want to celebrate”

You can pre-order the Ebook on amazon now or you can wait till November 1 and order a real life, hold in your hands copy!

I gotta tell you, my heart is beating double time right now.

I ordered my copy of if god was a woman on kindle a couple of days after it came out and will post a review as soon as i finish reading it here and on amazon. i'm still playing catchup for now though so be patient.

you can order your own copy here:

No regretting

Do not weep for me when I am gone
thinking, or saying “oh I should have…”
I am not worthy of regret
not that I don’t think I am special
but I would not want you to expend
one moment of your life’s energy
regretting things you did not do
words you did not speak.

Rather to rejoice in the moments
we spent together
the times we shared laughter
the days we walked together
and knew that life was good
because we had one another.

Smile for me and know
that always I held you in my heart
and nothing changes that.
Regret nothing of what we did not share
Hold within your heart
my kiss of blessing on your brow.

~Joss Burnel / She Who Walks in Beauty