The name for this website came to me during one of those many, many times I was experiencing what a great majority of people refer to as

writer's block.

Personally I usually just tell myself I'm suffering from an attack of Cronedom and have so much to say that it just all becomes kind of jumbled

so I just do nothing until it straightens itself out in my head.

Hi! I'm Gipsiecrone.

I'm an author, a witch, a craftswoman, a nature lover, and a Pagan.

I chose the name Gipsiecrone years ago because it seemed to define me - Crone obviously both because of my age and because I've earned the honor and Gipsie because I seem to have been born with the wonder lust of my gypsy ancestors.

I spend as much time as I can in the wild sacred places nature offers in abundance. I can not go outside without carrying something back inside with me. Anything from a smooth river stone to a rubbing of an old grave marker or an interesting shaped branch or a feather is another treasure for my shelf or alter table or will someday become a component for a fairy ++house or a wreath.

I intend this site to eventually merge with all my other sites in one central location. It will contain links to an online general store, my other websites, and  a place where you can buy my first and only published novel, as well as my Facebook page; so please be patient . If you feel the urge to see some of my work now you can click the links on the pictures below – I promise to give my best effort to making everything work.

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about me

Here is Gipsiecrone's Musing another site I lay claim to.


 This is my Google+ Page. 

Click the bubbles to visit The Eclectic Hodge Podge

check out my newest google site and please like, repost or comment on it and my other pages either on this site at tell me what you think or on the site you're visiting. thank you